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网址:zuchez.aou1.cn  2022-11-09  作者:admin    阅读:

随着人们消费水平的提高,对高档消费品有不断更新的欲望。在欧美人们平均8个月更换一次车型。假在花费三十多万元购买一台轿车,因社会经济发展很快,一年后汽车的性能、外观改进很多,而价格却会大幅下降。一年后,如果想换新车型,老车可能15万元就很难卖出。这意味着,一年中车价损失接近20万元。但假如租赁一台三十多万元的车,只需10余万元。而且,可随时租用最新车型。从人们经常更换手机的状况就能预料到几年后,经常换新车州苗木 保定通风管道 丝网立柱模具 尼龙输送带 保定防水 保定空压机 高碑店养老院,将是人们的新时尚。
With the improvement of people's consumption level, there is a constant desire for high-end consumer goods. In Europe and the United States, people change their models every eight months on average. If you are spending more than 300000 yuan to buy a car, the performance and appearance of the car will improve a lot after one year, but the price will drop sharply. A year later, if you want to change a new model, the old car may be difficult to sell for 150000 yuan. This means that the loss of car price is close to 200000 yuan in a year. But if you rent a car with more than 300000 yuan, it will only cost more than 100000 yuan. Moreover, the latest models can be rented at any time. From the situation that people often change their mobile phones, it can be predicted that in a few years, it will be people's new fashion to often change new cars.

