商务租车是以租用商务车代替买车来控制企业成本,这种在外企中十分流行的管理方式,正慢慢为国内企业所接受。这一外企管理中的"经典教案",能否为国内企业的管理方式带来一场革命、商务租赁是否能给低迷的汽车租赁业务带来新的机遇,还是一个谜。流水槽钢模具 不锈钢铸件 扭王字块模具 井盖钢模具 标志桩模具 调匝式消弧线圈 风冷控制柜 烤漆龙骨
Business car rental is to rent a business car instead of buying a car to control the cost of enterprises. This management method, which is very popular in foreign enterprises, is slowly being accepted by domestic enterprises. Whether this "classic teaching plan" in the management of foreign enterprises can bring a revolution to the management mode of domestic enterprises and whether business leasing can bring new opportunities to the depressed car rental business is still a mystery.
商务租车"选择正规公司,看清合同细则,认真检查车况" "要选择经营资格合法、证照齐全有效、组织机构健全、经营场所可靠的汽车租赁公司"。据了解,个人租车的手续其实并没有大家想象的复杂,市民在租车时,提供真实、有效、合法的身份证、驾驶证、户口簿,交纳一定数额的保证金,并预付租金即可。 接下来,就是选车。
Business car rental "choose a regular company, see the detailed contract rules, and carefully check the car condition" and "choose a car rental company with legal business qualification, complete and effective licenses, sound organization and reliable business place". It is understood that the procedures for personal car rental are not as complicated as you think. When renting a car, citizens can provide real, effective and legal ID cards, driver's licenses and household registration books, pay a certain amount of deposit and prepay the rent. Next, choose the car.